Jacked Ostrich


Your Workout Tracker

What is this?
Liftr is a 100% hypertrophy-focused workout "coach".
It uses Renaissance Periodization's match-or-beat performance monitoring algorithm in combination with Menno Hensellmans' deload philosophy. Basically, it increases volume and weight as long as you're recovering on time, if you're not recovered, it programs a muscle-specific deload for that day.
It logs soreness, pump, and overall exertion with pre- and post-exercise surveys and adjusts volume accordingly.
Premade plans follow current best-practices with starting volume around the typical minumum-effective volume for muscle growth and increasing over time.
Build custom workouts, use premade plans, modify existing workouts, easily swap exercises in and out, add or remove exercises and sets manually, swap out exercises, rearrange workouts and exercises.
Track long term performance over time to monitor your progress.
We even track cardio.